Lt.Cdr. Peter Dunne
I received word last week that our friend and colleague Lt Cdr Peter Dunne had passed away on the 10/11/21 after a long illness. I was on the committee of the Michael Quinn (DSM) Branch of the Irish Naval Association as Treasurer and Peter was the Secretary.
He was a very wise man with a lovely sense of humor and it was a pleasure working along side him.
The Requiem Mass for Peter was held in the Church of the Holy Spirit , Ballyroan .
The following were in attendance Fr Des Campion Chaplin to the Irish Navy who came up from Cork,
Terry Cummins National PRO of the INA, Sean Brennan INA, Ronnie Lewis INA and Wife Catherine,
Lt Cdr Martin Durcan representing the FLAG Officer, Lt.Cdr.Malachy O'Gallagher (Retd), Ray Delany and Kevin Kennedy Cadra Staff , an A/B Cook (I did not get his name and apologize for that) in uniform.and myself representing the INA as President.
The INA and the A/B cook all in uniform brought the coffin into and out of the Church. After the Mass Peter was brought to Mount Jerome Crematorium for his final resting May Peter Rest in Peace.

Bryan Gildea.
President of the Irish Naval Association